Consider going back in time to the dawn of humanity. When you encounter someone who can't speak or can't understand you, it'll be both frightening and fascinating. Clearly, communication will be impossible unless you discover a way to communicate your separate meanings/intentions in a mutually acceptable manner. In the world of electronics, the same idea applies, as there are numerous sorts of interfaces among electronic equipment. As a result, an uniform communication protocol simplifies data translation in a system, particularly in a System-on-Chip (SoC) system with several systems. With renowned AMBA Interconnects and standard or bespoke peripheral interfaces, SoC FPGAs such as Digital Blocks provide a versatile CPU programming interface and high-performance transfer rates. With IP releases addressing CPU AXI/AHB backbone DMA Engines, PCI Express DMA, Network Ethernet DMA, and Peripheral high/low data-rate DMA transfers, Digital Blocks DMA Controllers are feature-r...